Terminator 6- T800 1/2 Bust



3D File

Terminator6- T800 1/2 bust
1:2 T800 半胸植髮版
市面上見到T800植髮版figure好靚, 不過價錢太貴,所以試下自己整返隻,成套作品花最長時間就係整植髮~因為有2套首辦, 我同老婆每人整左一隻,我地好似上美術堂做勞作咁, 一小束一小束頭髮黐係頭雕上再作修剪, 第一次植短髮,仲有好大進步空間~ 由3d打印,上色到植髮,過程唔算太難, DIY植髮都幾好玩, 整完好有滿足感, 希望大家都鍾意啦~

Have spotted there are a few T800 1/2 bust with rooted hair released , they are awesome and real in shape, yet the price maybe a bit unaffordable, it stirred my mind and tried to make my own one instead. The most challenging task for this artwork is making the rooted beard and hair for the head sculpt. As I got 2 sets of printed prototype, my wife and myself each have tried our unique DIY work by gluing the hair on bald sculpt, it was somewhat challenging but indeed got lots of fun in progress and much satisfaction during the whole process.
This was my first time on short hair wigs, and plenty room for big improvement, please feel free to share with us if you have any tips on figuring wigs. Hope you guys will love it too.
– Scale: 1/2
– Height: 265mm
-Artwork date:March 2021

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