AKIRA- Tetsuo Shima 鐵雄
大友克洋經典作品, 小時候睇幾恐怖,
由於是簡單分件Print, 算是挑戰Printer大面積穏定性同接駁位準確程度(結果都係有啲橫紋,同接駁有差距),Print完要大執…-_- 全人手上色,以黑白紅作主色,爛手當然最難攪,油到自己都唔知油緊乜,遠睇都OK,但近睇就…..😅仍須繼續努力….
Akira is a Japanese classic manga series written and illustrated by Katsuhiro Otomo.
I was probably around 8 when I first watched Akria. I was scared and thought it was some kind of horror anime when I still young.
I recently re-watched it to completely understand the story. This is an incredible hand-drawn animation, it seems every details within the frame is in motion with smooth movements. Even though over 29 years later, it still amazes me.
The hardest part of this fan art is to sculpt the broken arm.
This task is a simple disassembling to test accuracy and stability for the printer, yet the result not good as expected, there are vertical lines in surface and need further polishing after printing. All hand painted in iconic red, black and white for Tetsuo Shima character. The most difficult part was painting the broken arm, just too many details to work on. Imperfections for this one and good to view in distance, indeed there’s still a lot of room to improve on my painting skill. 😂
– Size: Height 208mm
– Artwork Date: February 2018