Zack Snyder’s Justice League Cyborg
Finished my painting for Cyborg to complete the JL collection. The painting procedure and color is similar to Steppenwolf, it is not too hard to paint in a single metal color. This craft is based on Cyborg screen appearance from Zack Snyder Justice League movie and have gathered some references from different toy manufacturer. It features with 2 head sculpt, plasma cannon weapons, shield and additional 4 arms accessories Knightmare future version for replacement.
繼Steppenwolf 後終於可以再玩電鍍色,只需簡單基本上色工序就能做出表面金屬效果,這作品參考了兩套電影版本和不同玩具廠的設定,盡量能還原當中細節再配合動作比例, 並附有兩個頭及手掌炮以供替換,另額外加了在電影螢幕上呈現3秒的
-Scale: 1/6
-Height: 330mm
-Artwork date: Oct 2021