Zack Snyder’s Justice League Darkseid
Thanks all for your support , likes and share on the previous Steppenwolf artworks. I have received many comments and DM asking for Darkseid, the most powerful super villian from DC, my artwork collection can’t have Steppenwolf without Darkseid.
At four hours in length of Synder cut, the main villain is Steppenwolf, Darkseid appeared maybe few shots and would led to a ultimate role in the Knightmare storyline.
This Darkseid is crafted based on the appearance in Synder version of Justice League with the signature posture of hands behind his back. Standing at about 430mm in scale 1/6, equipped with 2 interchangeable hand with weapons stuffs, 2 head sculpt, 2 sets of eye pieces with LED light up function (fire eye and laser eye effects) and the armor can be removed for alternative naked upper body look.
The painting task for Darkseid not too hard, only 3 main colors for the statue, dark blue for the armor, dark grey for the skin and metal color for the weapon. Net weight about 3kg. Hope you guys will love it.
Normally, I always print out 2 sets for casting and colored prototype yet considering high printing cost, wear and tear for 3D printer during the long printing process, I may decide to make the painted prototype on the casting kit instead of printing kit. Photos of painted prototype will be released later on.
Steppenwolf反應熱烈,多謝大家支持及鼓勵,收到好多朋友仔留言同DM 問會唔會整埋DC終極大反派Darkseid~
在四小時Zack Snyder 之正義聯盟導演版中, 其實Darkseid 既出場時間並唔多,但角色非常搶眼,無理由有Steppenwolf 冇Darkseid 架麻, 梗係要整返隻比自己收藏下啦~
Darkseid 會根據雙手握拳放背的標誌性站立動作,高度設定為425mm, 配件包括兩套手加武器、兩個表情頭雕、兩套特效眼件(火眼和雷射眼並設有燈效)以供配換,另可拆甲展現出電影第一場大戰登場時的裸體上半身造型,希望大家鐘意啦~
之前一般會打印2套來作複件及色版, 但由於打印成本高對機件損耗大, 而且打印及打磨工序長, 現打算等到複件完成後才製作色版, 所以色版作品會在後期才會發佈。
對我來說Darkseid 上色不太困難,全套差不多只呈現3隻色,甲鐵藍色,皮膚深灰色,武器鐵色。 整套實心共重3kg份量十足。希望大家鍾意啦~
-Scale: 1/6
-Height: 430mm
-Artwork date:July 2021