Elden Ring Malenia 女武神 P2最終形態



3D File

Elden Ring Malenia 女武神 P2最終形態
It has been a month since I started playing this game. Played almost 100 hours to complete the Elden Ring game. Got stuck and frustration on Malenia for 6 hours with hundred attempts to beat her. She is one of the hardest boss in the game for sure. Her design is awesome and I absolutely love her angel wings in the 2nd Phase too.
I’m impressed some youtubers challenge Malenia and took her down without any shield or even power up weapon whicn earned my true respect.
This artwork is in scale 1/12 crafted based on the Elden Ring game appearance of Malenia, Blade of Miquella phase 2, it features tall long iconic red-haired sculpture with huge butterfly angelic wings and sword. Hope you guys will love it too. 
想分享少少打Elden Ring過程,成套game用咗超過100個鐘先爆機,真係好耐冇試過咁沈迷打機,眾多大佬之中打得最耐就係女武神, 連續用左6個鐘都係對住同一個畫面打同一個大佬真係有點虛脫, 雖然女武神唔係Final boss, 但我覺得佢算係最勁最難打,再睇下D Youtuber 佢地用最少資源和最低防禦既武器去挑戰佢, 有D 仲打左幾日先贏, 當他們堅持自己打贏的那份喜悅真係超振奮超熱血,打完會有種莫名其妙既失落感,會想繼續再打,真係又愛又恨! 😵
女武神第一形態最多人畫,所以今次想挑戰P2最終形態,這作品是1:12, 最大難度係整對翼超橫超大隻,當是滿足自己打完後的紀念作品~希望大家都鐘意啦
– Scale: 1/12
-W: 525mm
-Artwork date: April 2022 

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