Kamen Rider 幪面超人V3
之前的作品大多是美漫英雄, 都係時候畫下啲日系超人啦~
記得小時候很喜歡看幪面超人, 幪面超人是我童年時第一個接觸的首辦模型, 所以有種莫名其妙的情意結。 當時對首辦模型不太感興趣, 覺得好麻煩, 要用膠水又要自己上色;但現在不至愛上了首辦模型, 最終還變成了自己的事業。
今次作品比較多亞洲人鍾意, 第一次上“特攝”色, 加上了粉筆營造少許舊化效果,尺寸比例1/6。 有時間會考慮再整其他幪面超人系列
There were mainly American Superhero series from my previous artworks portfolio, maybe this was the time for making Japanese hero series lol.
I love watching Kamen Rider when I was young, and KM was the first garage kit that I have specially owned with my brother , that’s why I always feel an unique bonding with this character . Don’t have too much interest in garage kit at childhood with its complicated process with many sticking and gluing steps, joint filling and self painting.
But now I loved the kit so much where I found peak satisfaction and eventually be my career now.
Have nicely received a few positive comments from Asian fans for this artwork. Tried painting in “Tokusatsu” coloring style from Japanese live-action film.. There maybe another Kamen Rider series in the schedule , probably one more round after my completion of some of the desired characters in the pipelines.
– Size: H300mm
– Scale: 1/6th
-Artwork Date: January 2019