Ironman MK50- 鐵甲奇俠 MK50
由當時喺戲院睇到這一幕,就決定要整返隻1/6納米血甲戰損MK50、金屬色加燈, 套戲入面幾種爛甲都好靚, 但好難揾齊官方設定圖去畫~所以今次畫了兩款~
這次制作過程不是自己一個人,首先老豆幫我磨件,再喺白件鑽大啲窿以便走電線,之後老婆幫我噴金屬底色; 當然唔少得“低調大師”作顧問及技術支援,辛苦晒佢地
總結制作時間長,工序繁複, 原來金屬色要用好多油,加埋11粒LED燈走線, 過程相當艱辛, 不過製作完成後,卻有大大滿足感, 嘔心瀝血之作希望大家都鐘意
Ironman vs Thano was one of the best scene from the movie of Avengers Infinity War, the battle damaged armor of Mark 50 purely awesome, It was an immediate decision crafting my first 1/6th scale Bloody War Damaged of MK50 with LED light after watching the Infinity War movie . This special art piece not made by my own anymore, it is co- worked by my other family members, my Father responsible for polishing and drilling kit by adding light cable inside; my wife worked on painting in metal base color as well as special thanks to my friend “low profile Master” again for technical support and consultancy.
The working process of 3D sculpting, polishing, painting and adding 11 Led light in cable is long and rather complicated ; the painting in metal color is not too easy as it needs many steps to mix up the exclusive Ironman red tone colour yet it indeed got tons of fun and satisfaction after seeing the final art piece.
It is one of my painstaking artwork, hope you guys will love it too.
-Scale: 1/6
-Artwork: -August 2018