Monster Hunter Girl


由於遊戲內角色配置的顏色可自訂,所以今次上色自由度較大,可能是分開三隻油的關係,這套龍貓女算是用最長上色時間。 上色共參考舊版設定、PS4版再加Cosplay等~最終變成自定顏色,希望收到的朋友可以油出另一風格啦~

As can change or pigment the armor/Felyne color in game setting, so high flexibility of painting for this artwork, yet there are total three main part (Monster Girl/ Felyne/ Dragon) , the painting time is relatively long and I have spent one tough week to complete the paint job.
Have studied the old version, PS4 version and cosplay for color reference and finally tailor painted my unique one. Hope you guys will love it too.

–  Scale: 1/6

– Size: Height 420mm

– Artwork Date: March 2020



The total net weight of this artwork is 1.2kg. Disassembled around 50pcs of small parts for easier modeling and painting works. Fully utilized my 4 existing household printers to get the printing work done in 3 days. This time i am a bit uneasy to make it painted , This is one of the artwork I don’t want to print because it is in perfection with only grey base coat.😆

3D Drawing

Monster Hunter系列,揀左畫Zinogre套盔甲,之前比較少接觸怪獸動物類,今次上網找了很多資料及插圖來參考,表面套盔甲都試畫咗幾次,而且毛髮比想像中難畫,MH人形貓最難諗就係動作,想做到得意又有招積既感覺,當然最花時間都係畫女主體,逐塊甲畫,最後都揾咗啲女figure愛好者畀意見,之後考慮複模/動作/拆件等問題, 不停作出修正,龍貓女足足畫了三星期

Zinogre armor set for Monster Hunter Girl. A bit lack of experience crafting animal- monster series, to do so i just gathered some reference photos online and feel the most challenging part is crafting the armor and hair in this artwork. Overthink long time to decide the best postures for the Felyne in order to portray an attitude of cutie with cocky. Have utlized days to sculpt the Female armor piece by piece with incessant modifications for modeling and posture movement concerns. It totally took me an approximate 3 weeks time to complete the 3D sculpt on monster hunter girl.

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