


3D Drawing

Upgrade Predator

睇完新一集鐵血戰士,雖然這套戲劣評如潮,但我作為鐵血粉,都想整返隻巨大智慧型既Upgrade Predator 玩吓.

這次製作過程相當艱辛, 除了皮膚紋多細節外;市場上暫沒有產品, 官網又沒有完整的參考圖可跟, 所以花了較長的時間在資料搜集。

這次真是可以用”巨”字來形容,  拎起手相當有質感,由於沒有官方上色參考圖,戲內的環境燈光導致每張電影cap圖上色效果都不同,所以我都嘗試噴咗好幾次才完成😀。希望大家都鍾意啦。


Watched the Predator 2018 and found it was completely different path as the Original Pedator. Although many negative comments and disappointment from Predator fans for the movie , I am still going to make the Mega Predator to support my loyalty to the Predator . So far there is no figure and associated merchandise for this Upgraded Predator in the market, I have tried hard searching many official photos for this Mega Predator online, but cannot find enough reference to sculpt.

Based on info from official source, the height of this Mega Predator is 21 foot; my artwork scale is 1/6th with the size of 21 inch height. This Mega Predator is the most gigantic artwork I have been made so far, I was excited after seeing the final printed work out, my wife also loves it so much even she doesn’t like any Monster series lol.

As different lighting atmosphere in every movie scene come with different painting effect and no official picture to follow , I have instead tried few attempts and adjustment on my own to get the painting job done. Hope you guys will love it too.


– Size: Height 550mm included the base

– Scale: 1/6th

-Artwork Date: October 2018

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