Ranking of Kings~ Bojji



3D File

Ranking of Kings~ Bojji
Most of my previous artworks were monsters and horrible creatures like Alien or Predator in dark theme, maybe its time to chill down and remake one relaxing character of Bojji from brand new Japanese manga Ranking of Kings. Any guys knew this Manga ? The main character of Bojji is deaf but with a naive, cute and love crying character. I found many Ranking of Kings figures released in the market recently , but without Bojji figure with crying expression, so I have decided to make it for my collection. Tried to paint the crying tears with transparent effect too . Hope you guys will love it too. 
近排畫得太多肌肉異形角色, 今次作品畫返啲輕鬆得意既角色 “國王排名 波奇”平衡下,
,呢個故事都係好熱血,主角夠特別又啞又愛哭又可愛, 我見市面開始多figure 出,但未見有我最鐘意果個喊樣,所以整返隻玩下2D色,又可以試下透明件眼淚效果。
-Artwork date: May 2022 

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