Resident Evil William G1
細個玩果陣時,見到喪屍變身已經覺得畫面好正😅 我最鐘意G1剛開眼造型,隻game本身做得好靚, 所以忍不住整返隻,今次繼Predator後算是另一隻大制作,今次最難的部份是分件,要諗隻大眼可以郁,加上勁大隻既關係,所以要分拆好多件去印,動用了三至四部機加埋都print咗成個星期,G1由繪圖到上色過程相當艱辛,為了有新鮮生肉的上色效果,要油到老婆話核突為止,特別是眼珠油咗好幾次,今次仲揾到“低調大師”幫忙做吸塑 ,希望大家都會喜歡。
It was still a crystal clear memory the very first time I played the game in childhood, how shocking and frightening it was while the zombie appeared on screen. My favorite was with the – G1 eye opened awakening pose. The figure will be made with a bit larger size, with configuration 1/6 and 14-15 inch tall,
Due to such bigger size for this G1 artwork, the most hardest task was disassembling respective parts with precise calculation by inserting the movable eyes inside the figure. With current obstacle of my small household printers, instead I have fully utilized my 4 own tiny printers and took an approximate 1 week of printing time.
The production process was much harder from sculpting, printing to painting than others normal artworks. For making the “Raw and Bloody Meat” coloring effect, I have instead painted a few layers until everyone (especially my wife ) can feel the horror and disgusting mood from it. Special thanks to Low Profile Master for helping to make the blister of movable eye this time. Hope everyone will like my first zombie challenge this time.
-Scale: 1/6th
-Height around 388mm include the base.
-Artwork Date: March 2019