RX Kamen Rider



3D Drawing

太陽之子- RX Kamen Rider
Have decided to make RX once completed the Rio and Bio Rider artwork in June. This was the 5th Rider that I have been made and
there is no completion without RX in Kamar Rider series. Hope all Rider fans can stir good childhood memories from this artwork. Haha😊
It features with an additional pair of arm for changing posture. Hope you guys will love it too. 
畫完生體機體, 當然要畫埋隻RX 喇,三子一齊登場先夠氣勢,童年回憶返晒嚟🤩,RX話晒係主角,所以今次加配多一對手以供替換姿勢,Rider系列已經畫到第五款啦~多謝大家欣賞支持,
-Scale 1:6
-Height: 305mm
PM me if interested
-Artwork date:Dec 2021

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