Zack Snyder’s Justice League Steppenwolf
Got done watching the 4-hours full version of Zack Snyder’s Justice League and absolutely enjoyed it in the new cut. The badass Snyder design of Steppenwolf really amazed me, it’s look more terrifying and menacing than the original design in the theatrical cut in 2017 and he’s one of my favorite villain for the superhero movie.
This artwork was extremely challenging with many difficulties and I have spent tough days to sculpt the full texture of spikey metal armor and motherbox.
It approximately in 435mm tall and features with a mechanical full body with lighting work on the motherbox. The hardest task for this artwork is disassembling work. To achieve higher fine detail, the spikey parts will be printed separately , and the spikes have to be inserted individually into the preset round hole of the body.
The painting task for the metallic tone is not quiet hard, proper surface preparation by sanding and clean off the surface be free of supporter print spots and scratches, then apply a black primer and let it completely dry to make sure the paint stick and metallic looks brighter before the next step of metal finish coating. Looking forward to exchange some painting skills and works from different painter master.
睇完4個鐘《正義聯盟》Zack Snyder 導演版,比Synder Steppenwolf 原設計版本吸引了,今次要向高難度挑戰,成品比例1:6, 希望盡量能讓電影造型細節呈現出來,全身以一層層甲組成,超密集零留白,母盒為做出分裂效果都畫過好幾次,今次作品由畫到打印難度都非常高~
全隻Steppenwolf打印尚算順利,全隻以電鍍色為主,金屬色塗裝其實不太困難,上色前先進行了一般的打磨工序, 塗金屬漆前噴上一層黑底色,這樣可令金屬面漆更顯光澤 ,過程最難在於3D拆件,為求出齊所有細節位, 頭要分開上下印,全部突出的“尖尖位”分了兩組不同尺寸,全身已預設所有小圓孔方便插入,正方形母盒分了六塊表面來打印,內置LED變色燈效~
-Scale: 1/6
-Height: 435mm
-Artwork date: May 2021